Sunday, January 31, 2021

The Norfolk Terrier Club Virtual Fun Day 2020

Well, how about this for a nice surprise and a bit of a light-hearted photo shoot in the middle of this lockdown thingy. 

The rosettes I've been awarded for taking part in the Norfolk Terrier Virtual Fun Day 2020 have arrived - and they are BIG!! I told you about it here a little while ago, but in case you missed it and wonder what I'm wuffing on about, have a read here.

My humans are very pleased and rather proud that I got 2 firsts and a second in the classes I was entered in so they got me to pose with my rosettes. I was very well behaved and sat, as I was told, while they faffed about with the camera and asked me to look at them.

I did get distracted to begin with as I swear there was a squirrel in the garden, and that grabbed my attention (picture 1), but then I got interesed in what they were saying and doing (picture 2) and looked at them.

It was so cosy on my blanket I ended up just staying there  for a snooze - it was a cold day and I'd already patrolled the garden, searched for Holly the Cat next door (not around) and checked oi there was any bird food around for me to scavenge (no).

The rosettes are really big and I don't know where the human who feeds me is going to put them -  they're hanging around on the shelves over her desk at the moment, and as I sit nearby on my perch by the window, I can keep an eye on them. One of my fan club (the girls who live across the road) has asked if they can be put on display in the window. Now there's a thought....

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