Friday, January 15, 2021

Top dog?

Well here's some exciting news! The human who feeds me entered me for the Norfolk Terrier Club Fun Day 2020, and I've won some rosettes!

Because of the lockdowns and this Coronavirus thingy which is making everything sort of different, it was a virtual Fun Day, so all that happened was that some photos of me were submitted because we (other dogs and their owners) couldn't meet to do it for real, all together. We did go once before, and you can read about it here.

But this was different. My human sent some photos of me and I was entered into three different classes:


Handsomest Dog (I came 1st!!)

Best Family Group (I was 2nd, pictured with young human friends who are my "fan club")

Best Six Legs (1st again!!! Thrilled about this one of me with the granddaughter's legs, taken on a beach in Wales)

 I have to be fair and say that there were lots of other entries of Norfolks who didn't get a place, but they're all pretty classy and look good to me.

It was fun to take part ( well, she who feeds me did it all really) and now I'm waiting for my rosettes to arrive!


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