Monday, November 15, 2021

What's in a name?


2019 was the last time I went to France with my humans in my campervan - you know why, it was this virus thing that's messed life up quite a lot. And then there is that brackset thing they did so I can't use my Pet Passport anymore. I feel a growl coming on, so don't get me started.

Anyway, names. In 2019 I had to go to a vet in France before we came home. He was very nice and it was OK apart from him popping a pill down my throat when I wasn't expecting it. I just gulped in surprise and it was gone.

One of my humans picked up a card in the waiting room (I was busy keeping an eye on a cat in its carrier across the room) and would you believe it, they have  ideas for pet's names each year in France! How strange. I don't think you have to choose one of the names if you don't want to, and I'm really quite relieved.

I mean, had I been born in 2019 in France when it was "P" year, I might have been called Pongo or Pancake. Horror of horrors!!! I was born in 2018, so my name might have begun with "O".....hmmmm....Oswald, Ollie, Orlando, Oregano???


The first photo of me taken by the human who feeds me. I climbed up her leg and said "ooow-wooow" (hello) then the humans took me to live with them at their house, and decided on my name on the way.

All of this got me thinking about my name and the names of some of the dogs I know. I was named Bosworth after the village where I was born - Husband's Bosworth. People sometimes say "Oh yes, the Battle of Bosworth" when they hear my name. (What's a battle?)

The first friend I met when I was a puppy is called Woody, he's a lot older than me and a bit bigger too (Ed. a Border terrier). Dolly the Dachsund lives across the road and we have playful romps together. Murphy, also across the road, always says hello, and Rusty, a few doors away, wags and is pleased to see me. Well, he can hardly see and he's lost an eye but he uses his nose and knows it's me.

Then there's Daisy and Dougal who are quite new dogs on the block, but they're very friendly and their names bring the score for "D" up to 3. There are 3 Jacks who live nearby and I know them all - old brown Jack who's rather elderly, small brown and white Jack (Ed. a Jack Russell) and black and white Jack.

I've overheard my humans talking about the name they chose for me. They rejected all the early suggestions lined up - Bracken (I rather like that one), Magnus (hahaha - joke - it means "big" and I'm quite small), Jasper (because my colour is termed "red"), and - heaven forbid, Banjo (wouldn't have suited my personality at all).

If there are any dogs out there reading this (or their humans) please let me know what your name is. I'd love to hear what you're called, and why.


  1. Emma... em for the spelling of M and ma, short for mother..... she is my dog
    Moose.... my humans favorite animal
