Thursday, November 19, 2020

Goyt Valley Awayday

They (the humans) have gone into this lockdown thing again which means we're not supposed to go far from home (how far is "far"?) but my humans kindly took me out for an awayday in my van just before this happened.

We went to the Goyt Valley in somewhere called Derbyshire, and very nice it was too. They had lunch when we got there - they heated up soup, I got a carrot to chew and a couple of biscuits - then we went for a walk.

It all looked rather pretty. There were lots of leaves on the ground to sniff and rustle in, and there yellow leaves falling on the ground when the wind blew. 

There was water - big lakes - and we walked by one of them and my humans kept stopping to take photos. Boring.

 I wanted to keep exploring, but to be fair, we did do  fair bit of walking too, and the lakes looked good (or so they said...)

On the way back to my van I saw some mushroomy things which smelled interesting, but they wouldn't let me get near them for a good sniff in case they were poisonous. They took photos of those too.


Then we had a drink in my van, but first I had to have a rub with the towel (it's awful damp these days) then it was back home. Shame we couldn't stay and have a van sleepover, but all the campsites were closing the next day so no chance of that. 

The lockdown thingy again. When will it end?


  1. Looks lovely for an away day Bosworth so me thinks perhaps you should be grateful for what you have. Its much worse for us humans

  2. Indeed. And we are mostly grateful too.
