Wednesday, June 14, 2023

A Dog's Eyeview of Vanlife - Part 2

The main drawback when we set off on travels and adventures in my campervan is that I can’t see where we’re going. I’m quite small and my legs – perfectly proportioned as they are – are also quite small. When we travel I have to sit on the floor on my cushion or in my bed (thoughtfully placed in the cab by the humans so I’m close to them) which means I can’t look out of the windows and take in the views.

I never know where we’re going until we get there, but I’m always keen to get out and explore when we arrive, nose pressed against the crack where the door opens. When I hear that exciting whoooshing sound of the sliding door I’m raring to go and I leap outside, my little legs well up to this activity.

On van days out I’m always on the lookout for dog friendly cafés. The ones I like best have inside and outside seating, and the waiters always bring biscuits for me when the humans have coffee or treat themselves to lunch.

My legs, as I’ve already mentioned, are just wonderful, but I have to admit they’re a bit too short to allow me the amazingly athletic leap I think I can make on to the seats in my van when we’re static. I can’t quite manage that without help from the humans.

I know how to turn on my most intense and appealing gaze and look at them, asking silently if I can come up on the seat/their laps/the back of the sofa where there are good views through the window. If they don’t respond quickly enough I have to remind them with a quick bark. That gets them moving; they give in pretty quickly and then I’m up in the mainstream, on guard and keeping an eye on the goings-on outside. I’m torn between the views from the back of the sofa, and the comfort of the front seats, with the windows and windscreen.

The humans have to admit that it’s rather useful having me with them if we’re staying somewhere overnight. We usually stay on one of those campsite places. But wherever we are, if we’re inside at night time and I hear anything or anyone coming too close I’ll give a warning bark so the humans know. They like me doing this. 

Got to earn my treats, you know!


To be continued....


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