Friday, April 28, 2023

Oh-oh, here are the suitcases


You know that feeling when the suitcases appear, and the humans start being a bit twitchy and not very relaxed as they're rushng about putting things into these suitcase things. The feeling is a bit unsettling, and it's when I get a little bit worried.
I wonder what's going to happen, because suitcases always mean someone is going away somewhere. It may be the humans, it may be me, and it may be all of us together, but when we do that we go away in my campervan and we don't take suitcases. We (well, they actually) put stuff in big bags, take it into my van and pack it away in the cupboards and wardrobe there.

I knew something was up so I made it very clear from the start that I wanted to go too. First I sat in the case belonging to the human who does school and treats with me, then I moved into the case belonging to the human who feeds me. I was just trying to make a point, you see. And I was keeping a close eye on things, I can tell you.
All became clear a few days later, when their daughter, who I adore, turned up at our house in her car, stayed the night (after making a delightfully huge fuss of me), took the humans and their suitcases away somewhere - it sounded like some kind of port they were going to [Ed. airport]  then came back, gave me more fuss, packed my important of course, and the car.

On went my harness and my car seat was already in her car, so off we went. I had a good idea about where we were going and it seemed like I was going on holiday! Yes!!

To be continued......

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