That walk we had in the snow was just great! We'd had a walk a day or two before it snowed and I HATED it as it was so cold. My breath was coming out like puff from a dragon, and my humans looked the same too. Worst of all was that my paws were perished and I really, really didn't want to go out (we terriers are pretty good at getting our preferences noticed). The humans were kind though, and we only went a short way so I could get back to snoozing on my cushion near that radiator thing where it's usually warm.
But then next day it had snowed. I went out to take a look and my paws told me it was better than that very cold day. My paws kind of sunk into the snow stuff and it felt....well...interesting!
We all went out to Tatton Park, which is great big huge place with lots of grass and green open spaces for me to run..except that it was all white and covered with snow!
I loved it and we stayed out for ages. Only thing was, there were lots of those brown cow things with horns [Ed.deer] in the park and the humans don't let me off the lead if they're about as I'd go belting off to get closer to them. But it was pretty good being out, and on my long lead I was able to get quite close to them [Ed. close enough!].
Looks like the human who feeds me took a photo of my paw prints in the snow on the patio. It was so cold that morning when I went out before my breakfast, I was blowed if I was going to go far, so I made a large yellow puddle in the snow on the patio.
Well, needs must!
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