I don't know about you, but this chilly weather and these dark days, I'm not very keen to leave my cosy cushion, or bed, or sofa, or lap to go out very much or very far. The humans make me go out every blooming day for a walk - seems like it's at leaaaast 5 times every day [Ed. it's not].
I have to admit that today's walk wasn't too bad. That's because they took me in the car and I didn't have to walk to the park, and of course, I really like the park - it's called Tattern or something [Ed. Tatton Park, National Trust] and we can walk there from my house, but it's a looong walk if we do that and then walk around the park and back home again. I like it best when we go in the car, not that I'm lazy or a wimp or anything. Perish the thought.
Anyway, it was all dark and gloomy and grey outside today but I did enjoy my walk and saw a few deer (got steered away from them though). It was good to go out because it's been pretty busy at my house with visitors coming to stay. All week.
The human's daughter, who I adore, came to stay with some person called a boyfriend. He made a real fuss of me and to be honest, I rather liked sitting on his lap and being walked by him. The adorable daughter was a bit miffed because I didn't give her so much attention. Must make it up to her next time she visits.
They went home and then another visitor came, a friend of the human who does school with me. He liked me and played with me and talked a lot to my humans. He seemed to have known them for a long time and they talked about things they did a long time ago at something called a yooneeversity. No idea what that is but it sounded like a lot went on there.
Now it's back to just me and my humans and keeping warm and snuggling down. Oh yes, one thing I really like at the moment is dog TV, which they put on for me to watch for a while before they watch a human TV thing. Although I have noticed they both watch the cats and dogs on dog TV too and seem to like it.
Humans are a bit odd at times, but where would we, or I, be without them?
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