Wednesday, May 25, 2022

A portrit of me


I'm very excited. I've had my portrit painted!

It was a big surprise, especially as I didn't know it was being done and I didn't pose for it (like I pose when I see a camra pointing my way). This kind of picture is called a portrit, so my humans say, and it was made with paint (not sure what that is) but it's come out looking very good indeed, and really like me.

What I like best is the hat I'm wearing. It's something called a berry and while my humans were admiring the portrit they were saying I looked very French. Well, I have been to France and I have a pet passport but I understand I can't use that any more and my humans are rather cross about that because they have to get all sorts of different papers signed now instead. I'll tell you about that some other time.

Anyway, back to my portrit, which has a delightful blue theme (suits my colouring nicely and matches my collar and lead) and as you can see, some blue pawprints have been included as well.

Today I'm feeling as happy as I look in my portrit.😊

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