Monday, June 28, 2021

A place called Squirrel


I've been a bit quiet lately, and that's because the human who feeds me and writes my blog (telepathically transmitted by myself) has been doing some other writing. She writes about the places we visit in my campervan and they get published in some magazine or another.

Let's catch up - I went away in my van a few weeks ago to a place called Squirrel. At least, I think it's called that - it sounds like that anyway (Ed. it's The Wirral).

We've been there before and it's really nice as it's close to a beach and some woods and a big open grassy space to run on. I like the beach best though, and this time, we found a body on the beach.

I kid you not - there was this big brown lumpy shape that smelled very fishy, and of course, when we got close all I wanted to do was sniff it. My humans kept me away from it though because it was a dead harbour porpoise ( we think) and it looked in a very sorry state of deadness (interesting though...)


The humans thought it had been washed up by the tide, and that it had been dead for some time. Bit sad really. You can see the fin thing on its back (Ed. dorsal fin) and its spinal column. Gruesome really. And they wouldn't let me near it, I just had to look.

Back at my camperavan on the campsite, I stretched out in the sunshine to snooze and just enjoyed being on a short holiday away from home where I could see and sniff new things, and run on the beach. Perfect.

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