Saturday, May 1, 2021

A playdate with my fan club


My two young friends (we call them my fan club because they always make a BIG fuss of me) who live nearby came for a long playdate with me, The idea was that they could watch birds in my garden and see how many they could identify, then play with me,

They didn't do too well with the birds as they were all busy nesting, but they managed to ID some of the plants flowering in the garden (the human who feeds me had asked them to do this, with the help of a book full of plant pictures. She's a teacher and she can't stop herself doing things like this when she's with children).

There was a lot of time spent looking at a screen and taking photos. I'm a bit of a screen addict so it suited me fine, and they took heaps of pics of me. Loved it! It was a very sociable, fun playdate and I enjoyed having all that fuss, right down to when we had a grooming session at the end before they went home.

Bliss.... photo shoot, fun, games, chasing, romping then their total attention while they groomed me. 


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