Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Lockdown walkies

I know this might not look particularly interesting, but it is! It's where my humans take me for walks in a different place so we can all have a change from walking the usual routes during the lockdown.

The usual local routes are the ones we've been doing for the past year, and they (the humans) have names for all of them:

The lockdown walk is the one we did late every night when the lockdown started last March and they were voluntarily quarantining themselves after being on planes and flying back in a hurry from staying with the family & my friends the grandchildren. We had the roads and streets all to ourselves, apart from the occasional hedgehog.
The tick walk is the one across some fields, through a wood, and then across more fields with views of the hills. I like that one. They call it the tick walk because that's where I got my first tick. It was killed off by the meds they give me to stop these nasty things having a slurp of my blood, but it died attached to my eyelid and they had to get the vet to take it off as it was so close to my eye.

The cemetery walk takes us along the edge of the Heath and out into the countryside to the town's cemetery, which is small and peaceful and quite nice to walk around. I often see cows on the way and like watching them.

The Heath is not far from home and I can meet other dogs there and have a run and a play. I like going through the woods which are part of the Heath, sniffing out where the badgers live and climbing up and down the hills they've made where their sett is. I'm not allowed to go down the holes they've made though.

The back of the town walk takes us close to the edge of our small town. It's mostly on pavements for this walk, but there are some grassy, wooded places and paths. We often do this one if it's been wet and there's a lot of mud about. We've found lots of new nooks and crannies in the town to walk in whilst we've been in lockdown, especially useful for wet weather walks so I don't turn completely two-tone and black underneath with the muck and mud on the pavements.

The secret path walk goes through a tall wooden gate in a wooden fence on one side of a narrow cut through, and no-one would know there was a footpath behind the gate unless they tried it. The wooded path leads to parkland with a small stately home which is now used as offices. There's a farm at the far end of the parkland and that's where I can watch cows and a donkey. The path through the farmland leads to a nearby village.

The Park is where that photo is taken (the human who feeds me took that). It's a big park, with deer and lakes and little woods and streams and lots of interesting smells. I love going there in my campervan. When we go there for the day we have a walk or two, and lunch as well. 

When we went there last time, we discovered we'd parked somewhere with deer poos all over the place. I wasn't bothered too much about sniffing them but the humans were careful where they put their feet, and they've called this parking area the Deer Toilet! 
There's nothing better than being in my van, even though we can't yet go away in it and stay somewhere.


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