Monday, March 1, 2021

Does my bum look big in this?

Someone left a nice comment on my last post, saying:

Bosworth, hi! Please can we have a cute pic of you in your fleece onesie? Don't complain about doing the same old route all the time. Walking is good for you. You must see all your little friends out and about, which is nice for you and your humans. Billy 

Thanks Billy, and Hi! No idea who you are but thanks for your request for a pic of me in my onesie, which my human has found, along with something I wrote  a while ago on another blog I had, about going to be fitted for my onesie. Here it is - the story of the onesie. Actually, I have two onesies now - as we've had so much rain, mud and even snow, they bought me a spare for when it's cold and wet. I'm very lucky. And I do enjoy my walks, especially when it's somewhere new.

Here's the tail - sorry, tale - of how I got my first onesie: 

We went on holiday in my campervan to somewhere called North Devon. My humans did all the arranging and driving and packed my food, treats, toys and bed, so all I had to do was behave myself and settle down between the two front seats of the 'van for the journey (hitched up to my restraint of course).

We stopped off at a couple of places on the way before we actually reached North Devon, and I'd heard them say something like, "We could go there on the way and have him measured for it, it's somewhere near the campsite" (that's a magical word for me - I know it means we're going somewhere new and interesting).

Their satnav thingy didn't work properly and they kept saying things like, "It's right out in the sticks here." I like sticks. You can chase them and chew them and sometimes, if I find one I like, I carry it back home. So I thought we were going to a place that had lots of sticks for me to play with. But no. We ended up in a sort of farmyard with a big shed building where there were people making things with funny-looking machines.

They all made a fuss of me then I was taken into a big room with lots of shelves and one of the nice people got something from a shelf, took it out of the bag it was in and put it on my body! I was a bit startled. It was like having human clothes on and I wasn't sure what to make of it, although it felt kind of cosy and safe once it was on. I even saw that dog I sometimes see who looks a bit like me. He was  wearing it too when I looked at the thing they call mirror. I must say, the colour looked quite fetching against his coat.

In my onesie in the snow

After that, we got in the 'van and went to the campsite, where it was wonderful. Woods! Mown pathways through them! Lots of long grass! Smells! Places to explore and a big lake, where they had to keep me on my lead as there are things called beavers who live there. Seemed to me that the beavers chopped down bits of trees as there were plenty of sticks lying around on the ground. Maybe this was the place they meant that was in the sticks?

Great as it was there, it did rain a lot one day. That was the day they got my my new outfit out of the bag and put it on me. It was to stop me getting soaked, muddy and dirty in the rain, and it worked. When we came inside the van, it was the outfit that was wet and muddy, not me. So it's not too bad at all really.

I do wonder what I really look like in it though, and if my bum perhaps looks a bit big in it?

Editorial note for dog owners: Bosworth's suit came from the home of Equafleece in Devon.

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